girl smiling


Find the right braces for your perfect fit.

Webb Orthodontics - Woman smiling while wearing braces

Braces are sought out for many reasons. Some people want that perfect smile. Some have a misalignment that can be corrected. Some suffer from overbites, underbites, or crooked bites. Some have gaps and/or too much spacing between their teeth. Whatever the case may be, orthodontic braces can be life-changing: from improving self-esteem and dental hygiene to mitigating the uncomfortable side effects of oral development issues.

At Webb Orthodontics, we are well aware that most people are not fortunate enough to be born with perfect teeth. That is why Dr. Webb and our entire orthodontic team are here for you. Our inviting, smiley team will greet you with warmth and take care of your orthodontic needs, navigating you through every step of your orthodontic treatment.

Braces are a well-proven treatment for correcting misaligned teeth and/or jaws. The technology for braces has progressed leaps and bounds over the past few decades. Today’s braces are less visible, lighter, smaller in size, and can be impressively camouflaged.

Webb Orthodontics - Woman smiling while wearing braces

Life With Braces

Webb Orthodontics - Woman smiling while wearing braces

As you head out on your exciting orthodontics journey, Dr. Webb has a few tips, tricks, and advice to help you navigate life with braces.

The Golden Rule of Orthodontics

Wearing your orthodontics precisely as Dr. Webb prescribes is how you will get the best possible results. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s something you know would make Dr. Webb smile, it will be good for your smile.

Start your journey to a beautiful smile.